Art Project

by - August 08, 2013

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I've been seeing paper mache letters on the internet a lot and I won't deny that the Artsy Fartsy in me really wanted to get her hands on them, so I can D.I.Y. or decorate. :) Finally, I got 3 letters that are 8" in size two weeks ago that stands for our family initials!:) You can't imagine how excited I was when I got them. It took awhile for me to finish the 3 letters, but I'm happy with the outcome!

You may get the paper mache letters from ARTees Collection :)

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For the A and Z, I used my ever favourite Washi tapes. But I actually added some glue to it, because sometimes they tend to peel. With the glue, they're safely pinned on the letter paper mache. :) If you're wondering, I used Elmer's glue to achieve a clear dry. No evidence of me glueing it, right?;)

You can get Washi tapes at Hobby Depot or All Cutesy. :)

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Next up is the G. I used wood paint for this one, because I didn't have poster paint. =P But I'm glad it worked out well! I got to mix up the violet and white to have my perfect shade of purple and polka dots!:) 

If you don't want to spend on too much paint, you can get the wood paint I got at any NBS for only Php 73. :)

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And TADAAAAHH!!:) Here's my finished art project! What do you think??:D

Paper mache letters are great for display. You can hang them on the walls as well. Spell out your favourite word, saying or even your name! Decorate them in any way you like; embellish them with stickers, paint or let your crafty ideas flow! That's the great thing about D.I.Y. :) I think these are perfect for our future home or the bedroom of the kids.  ^_^

Thank you, Joana Tengson of ARTees Collection for this awesome project. :) I really enjoyed!


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  1. Awwwww!!!! kawaii ♥♥♥

  2. You did great. :) That is so cute.

    Visit my blog: I am Jenniya

  3. Yours is so nice!! I still don't know what to do with mine, and I have six letters LOL ♥

  4. Been wanting to have this. Thank you for the artsy fartsy idea in you ava hehe :) BTW where did you buy those big letters?


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All photos/materials ⓒ 2020 Ava Te-Zabat unless otherwise specified. Please do not use them without acknowledgement or permission. Thank you.

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