Upon getting to the venue, these signs caught my attention. Turns out, we had to choose a pair of Happy Socks and leave our shoes outside before entering the bakery. This already sounded interesting for me! It got me curious how the event flow will go.
Oh and can you guess which design of Happy Socks did I get? :)
DEVANT, a TV brand that frontiers in providing premium quality entertainment experience with its world-class TV collection, makes a big statement yet again with its partnership with Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron to bring greatness in one through DEVANT’s TV Collection. These two powerhouses team up not only to make a statement but to provide consumers the perfect partnership in viewing experience.
This year, April 23 marked a special date for DEVANT TV and Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron as the world’s favorite super hero team assembled again for another exciting and action-packed movie.
How cool is this?? We got to see the different Avenger characters in person!:) Wanna see more aside from Iron Man? :) Read more below!
If there’s one source of entertainment that kids have all grown up with, that would have to be television. My kids can get really hooked on TV too, because of all the cartoons and entertaining stuff that they can watch. Since it’s also their summer vacation, I pretty much let them have the privilege of watching almost everyday. But of course, it still has to be educational and something I can monitor, because in all honesty, children can pick up a lot of things from TV. Better safe, than sorry!
Aside from TV, this generation has brought about the tablet, so there are times that my kids can get caught up on both their tablet and TV, it gets confusing for them which one to choose and there are times that they wanna watch in another room, but we don't have TV there. Fortunately now, I found the perfect solution to this dilemma. :)
PLDT HOME Telpad has recently partnered with the country’s biggest pay TV operator Cignal Digital TV and launched a new service that will allow kids to watch top entertainment and educational shows.
Aside from the already existing content offer of the brand, Disney on Telpad; The new Kids TV is a streaming service which allows subscribers to access top five entertainment and learning channels on their Telpad units. With this amazing service my kids and yours can enjoy watching the following:
Nat Geo
Nat Geo Wild
Cartoon Network
Da Vinci Learning
Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network are two of the most popular channels that kids enjoy a lot, while Nat Geo and Nat Geo Wild give kids a close-to-real-life preview of the exciting outdoors and its diverse animal life. Da Vinci Learning is an internationally broadcasted knowledge TV channel which airs documentaries and education series on topics such as history, sociology, biology and physics. Truly, television shows that are kid-friendly.
TV time is also one of our bonding moments. As a PLDT subscriber, this would be great addition to our entertainment system- tablet and 5 kids channel on live streaming all in one. :)
Good news for existing Telpad customers, you can avail of Kids TV by simply logging on to www.pldthome.com and it’s for only Php 99! So worth it!:)
For more information and updates LIKE https://www.facebook.com/PLDTHome and FOLLOW them on https://twitter.com/pldthome and https://instagram.com/pldthome/ :)
Its been a long time since my last OOTD post here on the blog. I think it's the fact that I've been to lazy to mix and match. But after SM Ladies Night last April 15, I have no right to be lazy or even say I have nothing to wear! I shopped to my heart's content and I actually can't wait to flood you, guys with OOTDs! If only I had that much time and someone to take it when I go to events. Fortunately, I had Beb Ana take these for me!:)
How crazy exactly?
What's that 'one thing' one my Bucket List that took me two years to accomplish?
The play is wittingly titled 'Run For Your Wife' and I really recommend that you watch this with your spouse or partner in life like I did. ^_^
That secret is found in this box and you can make this into a meal in just 20-25 minutes and i'll show you how. :)