down under back in manila

by - October 18, 2009

Dallas and Ate Dior are back from Australia!!:) We went to visit them yesterday after my NSTP class. It's been a year since we last saw them and Athan was just around 3 months old when they left, so I was really happy to see that Athan and Dallas can finally play with each other now. They really do grow up fast!:) Aside from all that excitement, Athan and I got some really neat pasalubongs--
Cute Swim suit and Baby Espadrille shoes for Athan. Loving the color!
A Kimmi doll--MANAMI!! for me. :)
We also got some yummy chocolates and I can't stop eating them.xD I've had 3 pieces Twix for today and after dinner I'm going for the Toblerone!=p Oh joy!

I'm really glad they're home for the holidays plus Ate Maine is also coming home on December to celebrate Christmas with the family. I'm so happy for Wubie because it's been 7 years since his family spent Christmas complete and now that his sisters are back it's going to be indeed a MERRY christmas for him. :) Now that I've got two families to spend Christmas with, I consider myself one happy person because this year we're all complete and this will be Athan's 2nd Christmas!:) Tis' the season to be jolly...falalalalalala! I just love the holidays, don't you?:)

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  1. AHHHH!! I love Athan's stuff! so cute! i'm happy you're all complete this coming holiday, i'm happy for you! :)


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