I can't believe it, but it happened. I passed the Assumption College Exam!=) My mother and I are so thrilled for me that we kept reading my acceptance letter over and over. I'm not over the excitement yet.
I guess it's such a surprise because, I didn't make it to De Lasalle University and I found that together with AC difficult and I was kind of affected because it's my ultimate dream school but there's always a light at the end of the tunnel and mine came in the light of Assumption.
Wow and to think I never had a liking for exclusive education now, I don't mind at all as long I have a school to go to and it's one of the best school's in Manila.=)
I'm taking up Journalism right now for my elective and somehow it can benefit me with my future course in AC, which is Bachelor of Communication major in Advertising.
I can't wait for college and the only thing to do now is make it super in my 4th year report card. No failing marks!Congratulations to the ones who made it to you UP, ADMU, DLSU, UA&P and AC!
Thank you so much for reading my blog and for leaving lovely comments. Will also try my best to drop by your blogs!:) xo