Shout to the world!

by - August 20, 2008

I was so nervous on my way to CSB this morning, having the thoughts of what i'll do if I happen to not make it, my head was in circles. I held on my rosary inside my pocket while I was about to get off at Vito Cruz station and I prayed a little to God and asked for his kind grace to help me.

As I got inside the admissions office, I saw a lot of anxious faces. I guess they too were as nervous as I was to see the application result. My number was 332 and when I got there they were calling for 316. While waiting Wubie came inside the office because their classes got suspended and he sat with me to give support because I am such a worry wart! ( sweetness) Finally, when it was my turn, the lady gave me this ugly plain envelope and I dreaded that because it wasn't like the others who got the green symbol on the upper left corner. It was just...white. So, I opened it hurriedly and having negative thoughts along with it, and when I flipped it open, the paper said I was wait listed and have to have a interview with their manager of some sort. I asked the lady what I should do because I sooo did not understand. She told me to wait for the lady named, Ma'am Rose and so, I did. When she got there she asked if I was reactivated and she remembered me from my last July visit together with my Mom. After answering all her queries, she told me to wait for her and there I sat down, awaiting for my interview paper for August 22. After 10 minutes, another staff calls me to the desk and she gave me the envelope that had the green symbol on the upper left corner. Seeing my face, she told me to open it up, right there and then and I did. Excited ata toh noh!=P When I got to open it, it read that I made it to CSB!!! In the degree program: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Major in Export Management (BSBA-EM). I wanted to go for an art course, but annnyyywaaay, I was uber giddy after reading that and Wubie was the witness to my happiness and also my best friend, Erika.=) She saw me coming out of the admin's office and I told her my wonderful news, we hugged and jumped together with so much gladness/ parang mga bata! Haha.

I'm really happy that I made it to CSB. I can't wait to start on September 8, 2008. So, to all my friends at DLSU and CSB, watch out!!!=)

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