The dreadful subject that is NATSCI11
Alrighty then, so we got our course cards today and it was bittersweet. Why bittersweet? Well, for one thing I'm running for dean's list and I was so close to getting it. How close? 0.5 close! The rule for getting in the dean's list is as simple as not getting a grade below 2.5 and a GPA of 3.0 and above. Now, let me enumerate to you guys why I'm so upset.
- General Psychology- 4.0
- Introduction to Sociology- 3.5
- Bible Study- 3.5
- Communication skills 1x- 2.5
- History- 2.5
- Orientation and Development(non-academic)- PASS
- And last but not the least, Natural Science 11- 2.0
My Mom's actually proud of my grades, but I believe I could have given her a much better result, like getting in the dean's list. I've been nagging about it the whole day. Fussing over why my NATSCI11 professor couldn't have just given me a 2.5. It was so close fudge! She's the only reason why I won't be a DL and its really frustrating, its eating me up. Hayy, but what's done is done. I still have next term and even if ALGEB-X is my waterloo/obstacle next term, i'll still strive to get a 2.5 from it and be a DL. :)
Its odd now that I have good grades because when I was in high school I was somewhat lazy when it came to my studies and now I'm doing way better. I didn't fail anything and they're good. I guess its different when your inspired and really determined. I guess I got the positive drive from my Mom, Athan and Wubie. They've always believed in my studies and I'm happy I've got them behind my back all the way. :)
Well, wish me luck next term, guys! 6 more days till Christmas!! Woots!!
Thank you so much for reading my blog and for leaving lovely comments. Will also try my best to drop by your blogs!:) xo