by - April 22, 2009

I am now Twenteen years old and life is good!:) I have left teenhood sadly, but fortunately I'm still a child at heart, so no bad feelings. I always wanted to stay in 18 forever, but that's not possible. I'll just enjoy the beginning of my TWENTEEN years of living!:)

For my birthday celebration my Aunt got me a sweet tiramisu cake from a german bakery near our house and I'm really happy because its not everyday you get a tiramisu for a birthday cake, right?:) After getting my cake we went to Starbucks to have my bonding time with Auntie and Athan, plus had my comfort drink, mocha frapp. When we got out of Starbucks, because the weather here is less than 20 degrees I shivered my pants off! Haha. I could barely talk from the coldness, but nevertheless my bonding with my Aunt and son was good. After Starbucks my Aunt wanted to see the store that my Mom and went to last Sunday, which was CHECK FUN, the store that I was talking about in my last entry. This time though I managed to take a picture for you, guys to have a glimpse of my favorite store here in Taipei--
Check fun I U!

That's just 1/4 of the store. There's tons of shelves that have more kyootsie stuffs waiting to be bought!:) And speaking of bought, since its was my birthday my Aunt who loves spoiling me like my whole family does got me two stuffs that caught my fancy. One is--

Remember Lilo's doll in Lilo and Stitch? "SCRUMP" :)

And second is Elmer the colorful elephant :)

I love Check fun. I think its my staple store here from now on? But that's kinda a battle between Shih-lin's night market. My other favorite place to go. Will tell you about that soon!;) For now, I leave you with Check fun!

My 20th was celebrated in a simple way, but its something that I will consider special. I got to spend it that's all that matters and I've got people who love me so much.
  • Thank you so much, Wubie for creating a power point filled with greetings of people I care about and for giving me great surprises! I love you!
  • My mom for sending me to Taiwan with Athan and treating me to dinner
  • My Aunt who spent for me even though she and my Mom still haven't gotten her pay check
  • My friends and Family who took time to greet me even though I'm far away
  • Thank you also to all my online and blog friends who greeted me!
  • And last but never the least to God who gave me another year to live. :)
I'm really happy to be 20 and to be filled with blessings from God. I can't wait for more years to come!:) God is good!:) Let us to toast to getting old! *CHEERS!*

How old are you now?

What age do you wanna be right now?

Are you happy?

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Thank you so much for reading my blog and for leaving lovely comments. Will also try my best to drop by your blogs!:) xo

All photos/materials ⓒ 2020 Ava Te-Zabat unless otherwise specified. Please do not use them without acknowledgement or permission. Thank you.

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