Banana Peel X Artsy Fartsy Ava Giveaway winner!!!

by - June 25, 2011

First, I would to thank my sponsor Banana Peel Flip Flops for choosing my blog for this giveaway. :) It really means a lot for a big brand like them to chose me. Thank you so much!

And now for the giveaway winner! The one who gets to take home 5 Banana Peel GCs and foot sprays is... *drum roll*

 Denise Lunod
You're the winner!!!^_^ Congratulations and I do hope you enjoy your Banana Peel goodies! Will contact you soon! 

Thanks again to everyone who joined! This won't be my last giveaway, so stay tuned!

x A.F.A.

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  1. WOW Ava I am so happy that I won! Sure let's meet on a weekend :) Major slippers shopping ito haha! :)THANKS BANANA PEEL!

  2. Wow! Congrats Denise... hihi..


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