by - February 06, 2012

I'm sure all of you know who this ballerina is and no doubt she is one of the best! Now, Freeway has something special in store for all of you!:)

Freeway loves Art. With its well-loved National Artist Collectors’ Series, the brand has already established its name in celebrating various forms of Art by bringing creative fusion of fashion and works of art of our National Artists—literature, visual art and fashion design.  And this time, Freeway embraces another form of art that brought pride to the country, Ballet.  Freeway pays tribute to Philippines’ prima ballerina, Lisa Macuja-Elizalde.  Lisa is set to ease into retirement within the period of three years and will dance her last full-length “Swan Song Series” in a series of performances.  The production kicked off last year with “Swan Lake” and “Romeo and Juliet”.  The entire series will unfold in the next two to three years.  To support this significant event, Freeway created a special edition “Swan Song Series” sublimation tee- shirt that immortalizes the signature ballets of Lisa Macuja-Elizalde. This limited edition collection is now available in all Freeway stores nationwide.
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x A.F.A.

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  1. I want the tutu slash mullet skirt too!



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