Wyeth: Nurture.Inspire.Give.

by - June 07, 2013

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It was Pablo Picasso who said-- "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up." True enough, when faced with so many challenges in life, we forgot the feeling of how it was to be a kid or some even grow up to fast in terms of thinking, because of the huge responsibilities they have to face. All the creativity just fade away.

Yesterday at Chateau 1771 restaurant at Greenbelt 5, Wyeth launched its newest campaign called, NURTURE. INSPIRE.GIVE. Through this campaign, Wyeth Nutrition and Synergeia Foundation are working hand-in-hand to their part by nursing future generations through education. And they're doing it through a simple but ingenious way--by giving notebooks to thousands of underprivileged schoolchildren all over the country.

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Notebooks maybe a simple thing for us all who grew up and are used to technology. But for children who aren't that fortunate, a notebook can make all the difference for them and represent as their canvas for their bright future.

But what makes these notebooks special? They are designed by three gifted artists who are schoolchildren themselves. Child artists; Allie Arroyo who began painting at the age of 5 and is now improving her craft under noted artists Bambi Manosa and Elaine Herbosa; Antonio Tordesillas, who has already had a solo exhibit at the age of 14; and Marco Flores who hails from the art capital of the Philippines, Angono, Rizal.

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Marco Flores (wearing brown stripes) and Antonio Tordesillas (black polo) together with Wyeth and the kids. :)

The aim of is to promote literacy and to encourage children to be creative and value education. Access to notebooks leads to more writing and reading, which then fosters an increase in proficiency," Says Arboleda, Associate Director for Communications, Wyeth Philippines.

From June 15 to August 15, Wyeth Nutrition and Synergeia Foundation will be launching the Nurture.Inspire.Give. campaign officially. Any purchase of Aqiva (900g), Progress Pre-school Gold (900g and 1.6kg), Promil Pre-school (900g and 1.6kg), Bonakid ChocoBoost (800g), Bonakid Pre-school (900g, 1.2kg and 1.6kg), Enercal Plus (900g), or ProMama (900g) comes with FREE limited edition notebook and a scratch card. The scratch card has a promo code, which one can use to register through SMS to be eligible for the raffle promo and to enable a child to receive his/her own notebook.

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With Carizza at the event. :)
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Athan and me at the launch + 3 limited edition notebooks from Wyeth :)
Wyeth Nutrition and Synergeia Foundation pledge to give away notebooks equal to the total number of registrants. 10,000 registrants would mean 10,000 notebooks to be given away to less fortunate schoolchildren in the Philippines.
With this initiative, Wyeth hopes that this will serve to inspire and somehow influence the future of children, because after all, Wyeth Nutrition is all about nurturing generation after generation of Filipinos.

Hope you can all support this campaign as well. :) It will surely be a big help to the less fortunate schoolchildren and through you and the encouragement, they might be able to finish schooling. :)

Thank you, Wyeth Philippines for letting me experience this eye opener!

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