Pledge Hands to save lives

by - October 13, 2013

Did you know that more than 3 million kids under the age of 5 die each year because of various disease-causing germs? One of the scariest reason behind that is actually due to improper or lack of hand washing. Imagine that? I have my own kids and I try to keep them safe at all times. But to know that a simple act as washing your hands properly plays a huge factor in their health.

That's why I'll be joining in Unilever's massive effort to reach out to as many as 3 million Pinoy children by teaching them how to properly wash their hands with soap. 

To kick this year's campaign, there will be a commitment event this coming October 18, 2013 for the biggest celebration of Global Hand washing day. :)

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I always make sure that my kids wash their hands. But did you know that there are actually 5 steps to proper hand washing?

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Through this you can already save lives and it's the most cost-effective health intervention. :)

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With that, Unilever encourages everyone to take part of this advocacy by simply pledging and volunteering online: Everyone can sign up to pledge to teach one kid. With the help of more supportive Filipinos, the advocacy may be bigger, touching and saving more lives.

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Let's make use of our time even if it's just for a day to help out kids to live longer and make a brighter future for all. :)

If any of you are interested to join in on October 18, 2013,  please feel free to message or email me. :) The more the merrier! 



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