April 2013, I spent my 24th birthday with the people I love and had a few sweet surprises in between that made it much more awesome. :) It was truly memorable!
Last April also marked my 2nd year of styling Karylle with my co-stylists Keigh and Pax. :) I am so thankful to have the pleasure and opportunity of styling her. I really love my job. For 2014, I will again try my best to do better when it comes to styling. Hoping for another great year! Thank you, K!
Come the month of May, I was given another feature and that was to make a cameo appearance with my blog friends on Sponge Cola's recent music video Pick Your Poison. This is another FIRST for me and I super enjoyed it. :) I hope I get to do this again soon!
Another highlight for the month of May was when Asher had his baptism and Athan turned 5. :) These are milestones for us. I can't thank enough the people who helped us to be better parents and for getting us this far. Thank you for your support and love!
For 2013, I am proud and happy to be part of Bloggers United 5 and 6. :) It has been a great experience and I'm thankful that I get to be a part of it. Thank you, Pax and Ana for always working so hard to make BU more and more awesome. Thank you as well to my friends/readers for the support!:)
June 2013, the Hubby and I celebrate our 6th year anniversary together as a couple. :) I can't believe its been that long! And for 2014, we'll be 7 years old! Oldie couple! haha!:) We've had our ups and downs, but I'm glad we always find a way to make it through together!
For July, August and September, I'm really thankful that I got to spend more time with my Angkong. I didn't know that it was going to be my last birthday and half of the year with him, so it's sad that I didn't have more time to do what I wanted with him and to let him know every single day that I loved him. But I don't want to dwell in the past. Right now, I am just thankful and grateful that I was with him and God granted us time together. Thank you, Angkong for our last months together. I love you.
2013 is the year that I got to do more artsy stuff. I had the chance to do my OOTD through watercolor, paint on a canvas tote bag and design my very first paper mache letters. :) I really want to do more Art Diaries post, so let's hope 2014 would give me more inspiration!
2013 was also the year that I check "jumping off 40 feet" off my bucket list! This was really terrifying and I don't know how I convinced myself to do this, but I'm glad I did it. YOLO moment!!!:) But never again! haha!:))
Last August, I experimented with my hair and permed in for the very first time! I loved it. :) I wanted to keep it that way, but sadly, I had a lot of falling hair due to the stress I was experiencing with school, at home and other things. So, for November, I chopped it off and for the first time attempted a pixie cut!:) I also got it coloured and styled. Thank you, L'Oreal Philippines and Mikki Galang!:) Because of you I've become more adventurous with my hair! hehe. :)
Last April/May and October, I got to watch Philippine Fashion Week again. :) I love seeing the latest trends and I'm excited whenever PhFW happens, because everyone looks so fashsyon and all glammed up! Thank you for the tickets this season, SM Shoes and Bags, SM, Ladies, Giordano and Penshoppe!:)
These last few months, I started hanging out again with my long time best friend, Nickie and her boyfriend Lester. We've been busy since college happened that we rarely saw each other. But I'm really happy that we're seeing more of each other now, at least once or twice in a month. I can't wait for more bonding time for us this coming 2014!:) This is what I call BFF! Love you, Nix!!
For the end of November, we spent it by celebrating Asher's 1st Birthday at Shakey's. :) I can't believe our little boy is finally 1! Well, he's actually 1 year and 1 month now. Yikes! Time flies by so fast! 2014, he'll be 2! Wow!:) But wait! Slow and steady muna! Looking at this makes me feel more blessed to have my beautiful family. :)
Last but not the least, December 2013, I got 3 things on my wish list for the people I love; an iPhone, Birkenstock and finally my blog now has a .com!^_^ Nothing could be better! I actually still can't believe I got an iPhone and a .com up to now. But I am grateful for them!:) Thank you to my wonderful family for these awesome awesome gifts!
Truth be told, everything on this blog is a highlight of my 2013. I'm thankful and grateful for every opportunity that has been given to me this year. :) But if I were to highlight a few from all my 2013 entries or happenings, this entry would have to be it. :)
Thank you so much to the people who made 2013 a great year for me. Without you guys, it wouldn't have been as fun and as memorable. Thank you. Happy New year, everyone!!! Wishing you all a happy and fruitful 2014 ahead!
Thank you so much for reading my blog and for leaving lovely comments. Will also try my best to drop by your blogs!:) xo