Zalora Epic Night Out GIVEAWAY!

by - April 21, 2015

Hey, guys! Dreading Monday's? How about some good news??  WANNA HANG OUT WITH ME AND EXPERIENCE ZALORA EPIC NIGHT OUT? Dami kong tanong! Haha! But if you do, just follow the simple mechanics below!

 1. Answer the question: Why do you deserve to experience the ZALORA EPIC NIGHT OUT? 

2. Repost this photo on Instagram and caption your answer.
3. Follow me @artsyava on Instagram, and tag @zaloraph and use the hashtag #ZALORAepicNightOut #zaloraph #AFAxZaloraPH 

4. Winners will be selected on Thursday 3pm. 

5. 2 winners will be selected 

6. Winners will get 2k worth of ZALORA gc and an an epic VIP party night in the newest and hottest club in the metro, HOUZE Ultraclub!

Hope to see you there! ^_^


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All photos/materials ⓒ 2020 Ava Te-Zabat unless otherwise specified. Please do not use them without acknowledgement or permission. Thank you.

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