Keds 100.♥

by - March 14, 2017

Been a Keds user for years now and so happy that the brand just keeps growing. :) I love all the designs that they keep coming up with and just last year, they officially turned 100 years old! Imagine that! Keds is older than my Lola! Wow! ^_^ Keds is suitable for women of all ages and that makes it even cooler! 

In the past years, I have come to own about six pairs of Keds and I still can't get enough of their cute footwear. :) Here are some of the nice designs I spotted last time...

Super cute!! My favorite is the Kate Spade x Keds Collection ever since it came out. But the pastel one just released, so now I'm not sure! Haha! :) They're all so cute! >_<

How about you, guys? What's your favorite collection? :)

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Artsy Ava

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