We live in a world that more often than not, being different gets a lot of unwanted attention and some people voice out that being out of the ordinary isn't a good thing and they even get bullied for it. This has always plagued my mind. WHY? Being different should be celebrated and know that it is a great thing! We are all unique and we should embrace that. Don't let another person tell you otherwise. Especially if it makes you happy. :)
Just like my good friend Ana and I. We differ in a lot of things, but at the same time, we also have plenty of things in common. We choose to see the beautiful things in what makes us different.♥
For all your uniqueness and what makes you different, local retail brand PENSHOPPE celebrates that and aims to communicate it through their recent campaign, #IAmDifferent. :)
#IAmDifferent aims to form a movement to inspire everyone to embrace who they are despite what other people may think.
There was a time in my life that I, too, was bullied. I remember only wanting to make friends growing up, because I was an only child and i'd try my hardest to gain friends. But I chose the wrong crowd and there were these mean girls at my school who saw right through me. A girl desperate to have friends and would do anything. So, they did everything to abuse that and I was at their every beck and call. They would ask for my stuff, call me names, throw my book out of the locker, etc. I thought that if I just followed what they wanted, we could be friends or i'd have lots of friends. I was so wrong. It only got worst, until I finally realized in 4th grade what a true friend really is. That's how I met my first ever best friend and with her, I embraced who I really am and from then on, it didn't matter how many friends I had, for as long as they are TRUE.♥
Learn to walk away from people who don't see your worth.
With the help of international brand ambassadors Bella Hadid, Lucky Blue Smith, Kaia Gerber and Sandara Park among many other big names, Penshoppe brings its focus to the widespread issue of bullying plaguing the Filipino youth.
I'm glad that there is a brand like Penshoppe who uses their popularity to influence everyone to take a stand against bullying.
At the core of this campaign is Penshoppe's newest collection of tees and caps which are emblazoned with the campaign statements "I Am Different" and "Different is good". Each t-shirt from the limited edition #IAmDifferent collection features construction from luxe fabric and with a special identifier: a unique serial number at the back of each shirt. :)
Proceeds from this collection will benefit development of a module that discourages bullying and encourages acceptance in public school children, in partnership with Teach For The Philippines.
With my two best blogger friends a.k.a. triple A - Ava, Ana and Aisa! :) We encourage you, guys to embrace your individuality, because no one else is like you and know that, you are amazing!
being different is totally okay, it's like a brand that makes us different from others. There's nothing wrong being different. Love the T-shirt in Penshoppe it says to much in a good way. You too look amazing too.
Been in the blogosphere for a decade and I love writing about fashion, beauty, motherhood, the arts and more. This is where you'll find things that make me happy. :)
For comments, questions, & sponsorships
Email me at: avesbabii@yahoo.com or artsy_ava@yahoo.com
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All photos/materials ⓒ 2020 Ava Te-Zabat unless otherwise specified. Please do not use them without acknowledgement or permission. Thank you.
being different is totally okay, it's like a brand that makes us different from others. There's nothing wrong being different. Love the T-shirt in Penshoppe it says to much in a good way. You too look amazing too.
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