Love local.♥

by - December 02, 2017

There are a lot of international brands bringing in their stuff here in the Philippines and sometimes we tend to look on those often. But let us not forget that our very own local goods are also as amazing as any international brand. 

Just a few weeks ago, I had the chance to attend two events that will bring out your love for local goods and one of them is LOCALLY. :)

LOCALLY is the first quirky Filipino juice line by NutriAsia and they are made from uniquely indigenous local fruits. :) You would be surprise how refreshing their drinks are and would be amazed how many of our local fruits can be enjoyed with a different twist! :)

I'm sure most of you have heard of a food truck, but what about a FRUIT TRUCK? ^_^ That sounds new, but LOCALLY has officially launched this amazing concept on wheels last November 24 at High Street, coinciding with the BGC annual Passionfest - a perfect partnership for all things local!♥

Passionfest attendees and art and music enthusiasts had the quirky treat as the LOCALLY Fruit Truck dispensed some real fruity goodness with its juice drinks, all for FREE! These included Tamarind My Bell (tamarind), Pomelong & Lasting Love (pomelo), Save the Best for SinigueLAST (siniguelas), Calamansi'z the Day (calamansi), Guyabano-body But You (guyabano), You've Dalandan It Again (dalandan), and Mangosteenie Miney Mo (mangosteen). :) There was also an option of availing the exclusive and exciting LOCALLY concoctions by mixologist Kalei Demetrio a.k.a. Liquid Maestro!

There was also fine OPM music going on through the night by Quest and Keiko Necesario. :)

Just chilling with good entertainment, food and our chosen favorites from LOCALLY! Definitely a fun way to spend time with your friends! :) Hi to my blog besties Ana and Pauly! ^_^

The LOCALLY Fruit Truck will go around Metro Manila's top food parks, resto hubs, malls and transport terminals, so be sure to watch out for them! :) But incase you won't be able to, you can easily grab these awesome drinks at 7-11 stores, PureGold, Robinsons, Rustan's, and WalterMart supermarkets nationwide! :)

For more information and updates, you can visit ♥ 

Next up is a local bag brand that I really went crazy for when I had this huge obsession with satchels back in 2011. It was a must for me to have it and of course, I did! ;) It's none other than, School of Satchel. ^_^

The School of Satchel has one of the best made handcrafted genuine leather goods that you will find locally and I can attest that their products are not only cute or stylish, but also durable. :)

Aside from online, they also found a new home at The Park Fashion Lifestyle Store of Shangri-La Plaza Mall. They still carry their covetable satchel bags and the grey and mustard ones caught my fancy!

As a bonus to all S.OS. fans, they have an ongoing promo! For every purchase of Php 5,000 worth of School of Satchel products, customers will get a FREE 8oz Keep Cup!

Keep Cup is actually an Australian coffee cup brand, but it's a cute added bonus to main buy, right? :)

This promo is only until December 20, so be sure to avail of it before it ends! This would be another great gift for your loved ones.♥

My two new favorites in hand! :)

For more information, visit and ♥

Artsy Ava

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