Small fun world at home with Combi

by - November 27, 2021

Having my Kids do online learning and me working from home has its many perks. For one, I get to be with them 24/7, cuddle them often, we get to sneak in a snack or two during their screen breaks, and I have the opportunity to bond with them every single day. I’ve been enjoying these sweet moments with them and I try to make our days with each other fun.

Bonding with your children and family is very important. Yes, we may all just be at home with our kids often but bonding isn’t just about being present and the hours you’re with each other. It’s actually how you spend it that matters. The memories, emotions, connections, and quality time is truly what gives it the meaning. 


I actually feel really blessed that I have the endless free time to be with my family, so I want to make sure we use it wisely and for my kids to grow up knowing we have each other. Plus, the great thing about kids is that they don’t require tons of spending money for them to be happy or feel loved. What they really need is YOU and the time you spend. That is priceless and lives in the memory bank forever.

Having a good bonding time with your family has many benefits, like…


1.     Gives your child a strong sense of safety and security

2.     It sparks up happiness in the entire household

3.     It can inspire healthy connections and relationships

4.     Creates positive memories and this can help their mental health

5.     Lowers behavioral problems 


Before when we would go out often, we had Saturday as our favorite day, because we take our weekends very seriously as a family day. We sometimes go to the mall, go on random road trips, museum dates, and so much more. 


At home, we also find ways to make things fun. Some of our favorite bonding time…


1.    Work on different arts & crafts

2.    Have our family movie night

3.    Share each other’s hobbies

4.    Have a meal together

5.     Doing chores together – yes! Even chores can be a bonding session! My son Athan and I talk a lot about life during these times.

6.     Have bedtime conversations

7.    Cooking or having snacks together

Recently, our family has been loving Combi for snack time. Our favorite is its yummy cracker + wafer + filling combination. So, we’ve tried to add our own fun and twist to it during our snack time, like adding it to yogurt! :) My son Asher and I also enjoyed creating mini houses with it too! Who says you can’t play with your food? Hihi ^_^


Remember, even if there are busy days ahead or loads of work,  try to always find ways to squeeze in some bonding. You will be grateful for it. :)


How about you, Mommies? How do you promote family bonding? :)


For more Combi updates, visit them on Facebook:

Artsy Ava

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