WARNING: This post will be cheesy

by - January 15, 2010

Yes, you see it right on my title. This entry will be cheesy and please bear with me. I've been writing here for 2 straight years and I can't believe that I didn't flinch into moving to any other blog site or deleting this. Though I admit, TUMBLR did tempt me a lot, but I guess nothing beats having your original trademark entries, agree? Well, without further ado....

Comments are much appreciated on such a great occasion. Lol. =p More years to come! Cheers!

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  1. happy blognniversary! :) Anyway, Hello. Blogwalking. Hoping you can also drop by to my site. thanks;)


Thank you so much for reading my blog and for leaving lovely comments. Will also try my best to drop by your blogs!:) xo

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