GAH. Take me away!
Eating healthy can't always benefit you and I'm not saying this because I'm a veggie-dairy-fruit hater. Infact, I love vegetables and all that health produce more than fast food burgers and other junk foods combine, but having a strict diet can sometimes get on my nerves.
Imagine, not being able to drink sodas, not-natural produced juice and iced tea whenever I want to or even enjoy the goodness of candies such as chocolates, lollipops and all that sugar coated what nots just because I might gain too much weight and have a hard time. The Agony. How I want these three months to pass by quick so, I can indulge myself in the goodness of prohibited foods!=P Yehey!
Though, I enjoy all the pampering I get from people around me. I won't be a hypocrite on that. I love the "love-attention" so much and I know, I'm going to miss it once this journey of mine is over, because some one else is soon to be the center of attention once he comes out! He, He.
Anyhoo, I really can't wait and others too for his arrival.=) God bless that.
Well, off to my other duty. I have to talk to my mom again through Skype. Enjoy the holyweek vacation and of course don't forget to go to church( i'm guilty of not going, but soon will!) and avoid eating meat. ;-)
Thank you so much for reading my blog and for leaving lovely comments. Will also try my best to drop by your blogs!:) xo