Paradise Treats x A.F.A. Giveaway [Part1]

by - April 04, 2014

Hello Guys! I know April 1 has already passed, but given that it is my birthday month, I’d like to make the whole month of April a really fun one for me, my blog and you guys! Think of this as my gift to thank you to you guys for the love and support you have given me. :)

Coincidentally, April also marks the 3rd year anniversary of one of my favorite online stores; Paradise Treats and together, we will be giving you a wonderful treat. I’ll be conducting a 3 parts giveaway courtesy of Paradise Treats. So, there will be one winner per giveaway! Isn’t that awesome??^_^

I’m sure you guys want me to get on with the mechanics already, so without further ado, please follow the steps below to enter the Paradise Treats x Artsy Fartsy Ava Part 1 Giveaway!

Giveaway will officially end on April 12, 2014. :) Good luck!


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  1. Done! Hope I win! hehehe! Happy birthday month, miss Ava!! :)

  2. awesome giveaways Ava., perfect for summer:)

  3. Joined Ms. Ava :D

  4. Joined the giveaway :) hopin' to win and oh, Happy Birthday! Have a good one ;)

  5. Done! Hope to wwin this giveaway! I'll be able to use these clothes on my blog too! Of course its bec of you mss ava, and paradisetreats! :) Happy birthday! God bless you always! Keep up the good work on your blog!

  6. done all the steps :D
    Happy birthday month ms ava

  7. joined the giveaway :) hopin' to win and oh, Happy Birthday!


Thank you so much for reading my blog and for leaving lovely comments. Will also try my best to drop by your blogs!:) xo

All photos/materials ⓒ 2020 Ava Te-Zabat unless otherwise specified. Please do not use them without acknowledgement or permission. Thank you.

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