Stay At Home: Life in quarantine lately

by - April 26, 2020

Quarantine week 7? Am I correct? I honestly sometimes forget what day it is already and I'm sure you, guys feel me on this one too. >_< As of my last ECQ post, the lockdown began last March 15 and was supposedly to last until April 14. Then it got moved to April 30 and the most recent one is May 15. I really miss the outside world. But I have no problem with extension of the quarantine as long as we see progress and the death toll stops rising. :( 

We've all been in quarantine for more than a month now and slowly, each of us is adjusting to our new normal or routine. It isn't easy - most of us deal with anxiety and stress. That's why I am all for doing things that give you good vibes or help you cope up with our present situation. So, you do you! May it be TikTok videos, reading self help quotes/books, binge watching Kdramas, cooking, sharing food on social media, or working out, do what makes you happy! ^_^

As for me, I've been doing most of the things I mentioned above and they've been fairly effective. :) Sharing with you, guys through this post, our life lately as a family in quarantine.


Since school has also been out for more than a month, I've been trying my best to home school the kids or rather what we call "Activity Day!" I used to do it everyday, but in all honesty, I struggled. How do teachers do it?? I'm sure all moms would agree when I say, "WE MISS YOU, TEACHERS!!!" haha! I often encounter Asher in a sleepy, overly playful or hungry mood whenever we start with our activities. It takes a few minutes before he fully warms up to it. >_< So, I decided to do it every other day and so far they look forward to those days.

I mostly do art activities with them cos it's what I believe, I do best. But lately, my eldest son Athan also has some school work online that he works on and submits to his teachers. While I shift to workbooks (the alphabet or math) with Asher. :)

I wish I can do more for their home schooling since this will last another month. Wish me luck!
Are you homeschooling your kid/s too? :)


BASIC Ariel | Snow White | Aurora | Belle =P
On a personal note, I've been trying to keep myself busy with art journaling, reading Mitch Albom's 'The First Phone Call from Heaven', catching up on Kdrama series - I finally finished Hi Bye Mama and My Halo Love! I'm currently on the first episode of The King: Eternal Monarch and hopefully I can start The World of The Married - I heard it's super good! Also, whenever I get the chance, I try to do a few TikTok videos and recently worked on a Disney Closet Challenge ~ if Disney Princesses were basic! =P 

These are just a few things, but it keeps me sane! :)

Also made a video of our quarantine routine...
Not every single day is the same. It varies a little, but this is somehow what occurs in our day. :)

Tuna Cream Pasta

Curry | Ramyun | Buttered veggies | Chicken Stew | Fried Rice | Pancakes + hotdog

Thai Milk Tea - got it from my 2019 trip in Chiang Mai | Made our own Mojos!

Ground pork Taco + egg salad

Made our very own popsicle! Healthy too!

Another thing that keeps me busy is cooking twice a day. Back when weren't under ECQ, I would only cook sometimes cos my grandmother usually does that for us. If ever I was in charge, it's usually dinner that I make. Often than not, I eat outside cos I'm often out for work. But since the lockdown began, I have become a domesticated goddess! Haha! Something that my husband and kids are very happy about and the question I always hear from them now is "What's for lunch/dinner??" I guess I should be pleased? Cos that means they like my cooking? =P I believe cooking is also a great stress reliever. :)

The only challenging thing about cooking twice a day, everyday is thinking of the menu. Thankfully, I can easily Google (your best friend) recipes nowadays along with my staples. ^_^ The photos above are some of the stuff I managed to 'successfully' make. The Samgyupsal,on the other hand was something we ordered online. This is one of those rare days wherein we didn't know what to eat anymore or I got too lazy to cook haha. Delivery is key! Just make sure to wipe (containers) everything once you get them. ;)

It feels good whenever I see my feed filled with people sharing their food or recipes. :) I think after this ECQ, we'll all be master chefs! haha!


*What our doggos may be feeling haha*

If you're a fur parent, your pet/s probably adjusted to the fact that you've been home every single day. :)) A part of them maybe thought we all got fired from our jobs LOL! Kidding! On a serious note, we've been personally enjoying our time with Lōla. Our lifestyle before ECQ involved working a lot and on most days, our time with her would be limited or we'd be too tired. Nowadays, she's pampered with so much attention! >_<

Thankfully, food supply for her hasn't been a struggle to get cos Pet Express opened some of their branches to accommodate orders and deliveries. :) If you also need supplies, visit their FB or Instagram for details!


When 2020 began, I didn't expect that I was going to spend my birthday in quarantine. I even told my closest friends before the pandemic happened that I wanted to have an intimate dinner with them at a restaurant. But there are just some things we can't control, so my 31st was spent in ECQ. :) I initially thought weeks before that it was gonna be sad day cos it's not the typical celebration? But in all honesty, I couldn't ask for more. ^_^

For my birthday, I talked to my Bessies Ana, Ashley, Paul and Pax that I wanted to do a costume party. It didn't need to be a fancy one. More of using what they already have available at home, easy to grab or a quick DIY. ^_^ I personally DIY'd my costume. Since I miss milk tea, I turned myself into one! Hihihi! ^_^ The Bessies also had their own ♥ Ana - Pizza & BT21 Tata♥ Paul - Fox♥ Ashley - Strawberry♥ Pax - Fisherman's hat hehehe! 

We went online around 8:30PM and had a virtual party via FB video call. I was so happy to see them and talk them face to face again. :(( I'm really thankful they made time for this! Super sweet as well that Ana had Pizza Hut delivered to me and Ashley sent me the cutest personalized gift! I have the sweetest friends! ♥ ♥ ♥ 

I also blew my cake via FaceTime with my Mom and Aunt since they're both in Taiwan. :)

Love my boys as well for the lovely birthday card they made me. They also dressed up in costumes! Cuties!! Also, thank you to the Hubby for my yummy feast + cute cake! 

This birthday may not have been my initial plan, but I am grateful for another year, I have my good health, I am with my family and even if it's just through online, I also get to share the day with my friends.  ^_^

Here's a short video of my celebration...
Thank you, Lord for another year! ^_^

Hygiene kit donations for the seniors of Roxas Blvd from our BU donors. :)

Thank you, Ms. Jane Kingsu for supporting our cause! 

Last but not the least, I know we're all trying to find ways to cope with our current situation or find the light in it. Along in this process, we can also use this time to help our frontliners and kababayans

We've been seeing in the news how not everyone has the luxury and chance to stay at home in this time of pandemic cos they have to work to able to support their family on a day to day basis. Nowadays, some have completely stopped working. It breaks my heart that they have to risk their life or not be able to work. This is reality and I wish our government can do more for them. :( Main reason why the Bessies Ana, Pax, Paul, Ashley and I set up a fund raiser last March to help our fellow Filipinos who need financial assistance cos they're unable to work due tom COVID-19. With our generous donors, we were able to help more than 20 families.

If you wish to help us help more of our kababayans, you can kindly donate for as low as Php 1 on the following accounts above or here: If it's not too much to ask, hope you can also share our poster or fund raiser link. 

Even we're just at home, we can do great things! Thank you so much for supporting our cause!

I love looking for anxiety relievers or feel-good quotes on Instagram and these are some of my April faves. :) Don't forget to take care of your physical health and mental health too. Together, we'll get through this!

Stay safe, everyone!!!

Artsy Ava

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All photos/materials ⓒ 2020 Ava Te-Zabat unless otherwise specified. Please do not use them without acknowledgement or permission. Thank you.

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