by - February 07, 2009

Our Man of the house has finally made it through his last course in education and he now has his college degree in Computer Engineering. :) He worked so hard--6 years to be exact to make it this far and I really do admire him for being able to tackle all the computations, exams, reports and nose-bleeding thesis he had to do just to graduate. I remember ever since I was pregnant with Athan he was already doing his thesis and I sometimes joined him in staying up late at night seeing him do all the mind boggling programming and how he wished every day that it be over. His wish was granted after months of waiting. Now he has a whole new world to face and he has to enter it will confidence, especially now that we are in a global crisis. But my son and I have full trust in him that he will be a good provider, father and husband to us no matter what the situation is.

So, Wubie, Congratulations, good luck in everything, we're very proud of you, we have full faith in you and we love you sooo much! We will support you in everything you do and may God give you plenty of success and if pressure and stress comes in the way, may God show you the light after the tunnel. :)

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